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Vertaling - Braziliaans Portugees-Engels - Fica eleito o Foro da cidade do Rio de Janeiro...

Huidige statusVertaling
Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar voor de volgende talen: Braziliaans PortugeesEngels

Categorie Bedrijf/Banen

Fica eleito o Foro da cidade do Rio de Janeiro...
Opgestuurd door SW
Uitgangs-taal: Braziliaans Portugees

Fica eleito o Foro da cidade do Rio de Janeiro (RJ) para dirimir quaisquer duvidas.

It is now elected...

Vertaald door lilian canale
Doel-taal: Engels

It is now elected the Forum of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) to explain any doubts.
Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door dramati - 21 januari 2008 20:50

Laatste bericht


21 januari 2008 20:09

Aantal berichten: 1670
The parties consent to the jurisdiction of the courts of the City of Rio de Janeiro to resolve any controversy (or disputes arising out of...)

23 januari 2008 15:04

Aantal berichten: 1670
dramati, are you really serious that it´s ok to say "it is now elected the forum"?(!)

23 januari 2008 15:06

Aantal berichten: 1670
maybe I should add: I´m used to translating law texts, including this kind which is clearly from some kind of contract / agreement and the wording you would use is (certainly) not like that.....

24 januari 2008 11:47

Aantal berichten: 1670
(see above)

CC: dramati

24 januari 2008 11:50

Aantal berichten: 972
Yes, in English you could absolutely say that and still convey the meaning. English has several levels. Legal English is something else, it is the language of Naives, and Liars...I have often used the English language in legal issues to make day become night.

Thanks for the input.