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Översättning - Danska-Engelska - Der er ikke fugls føde pÃ¥ den pÃ¥stand

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Denna text är tillgänglig på följande språk: DanskaEngelska

Kategori Uttryck

Der er ikke fugls føde på den påstand
Tillagd av
Källspråk: Danska

Der er ikke fugls føde på den påstand

There's not a grain of truth in that statement

Översatt av pias
Språket som det ska översättas till: Engelska

There's not a grain of truth in that statement
Senast granskad eller redigerad av lilian canale - 9 September 2009 03:24

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7 September 2009 23:45

Antal inlägg: 4611
I'd use the word "allegation" instead of "statement", but I can be wrong.

8 September 2009 10:36

Antal inlägg: 8113
You are Native Lene... so I trust you! Is this more like an accusation? When looking in my dictionary (statement, assertion, allegation) are all synonyms.

8 September 2009 16:09

Antal inlägg: 4611
Hej Pia. Well, it seemed to me that allegation would be better here. Let's ask WKN, he's on line
now and he will know better than me.

Please, wkn, can you help here.

CC: wkn

8 September 2009 16:24

Antal inlägg: 4611
Pia. Have noticed that wkn has voted for your translation, so you have my vote too. So sorry, dear one.

8 September 2009 16:32

Antal inlägg: 8113
Nah, don't be sorry Lene! As said: I'm not native, and sometimes our words meaning isn't the same as yours, even if one think they are similar. As always, Thanks for your input.

8 September 2009 16:41

Antal inlägg: 332
Re. my vote - both statement and allegation would be technically correct - I recommend statement as it seems less formal, and the "tone" of the Danish phrase is quite light, almost joking.