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Traduzione - Portoghese brasiliano-Inglese - Entra na minha casa, entra na minha vida, mexe...

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Entra na minha casa, entra na minha vida, mexe...
Aggiunto da aayan009
Lingua originale: Portoghese brasiliano

Entra na minha casa, entra na minha vida, mexe com minha estrutura,
sara todas as feridas, me ensina a ter santidade, quero amar somente a Ti,
Por que o Senhor é o meu Bem maior, Faz um milagre em mim!
Note sulla traduzione

Enter my house, enter my life, meddle...

Tradotto da nachov
Lingua di destinazione: Inglese

Enter my house, enter my life, shake my grounds, heal all the wounds, teach me how to have sanctity, I want to love only You, because you, Lord, are my greatest Good, perform a miracle in me!
Note sulla traduzione
I interpreted all the conjugations as being in the imperative form as it is suited for a prayer. However, there is no clear indication in the text and it could be interpreted also as the 3rd person singular at the present tense, i.e. "He enters my house, he enters my life" and so on.
Ultima convalida o modifica di lilian canale - 29 Giugno 2009 02:28

Ultimi messaggi


29 Giugno 2009 02:28

lilian canale
Numero di messaggi: 14972
Before edits:
"Enter into my house, enter into my life, meddle with my structure, heal all the wounds, teach me how to have sanctity, I want to love only You, because the Lord is my greatest Good, perform a miracle in me!"