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Prevođenje - Japanski-Brazilski portugalski - domo ogenki dessu ka

Trenutni statusPrevođenje
Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: JapanskiBrazilski portugalski

Kategorija Chat - Ljubav / Prijateljstvo

Ovaj zahtjev za prijevodom traži "Samo značenje".
domo ogenki dessu ka
Poslao juliana2931
Izvorni jezik: Japanski

domo ogenki dessu ka

Oi, como você está?
Brazilski portugalski

Preveo Lfernando
Ciljni jezik: Brazilski portugalski

Oi, como você está?
Primjedbe o prijevodu
Domo: "Oi" ou "Agradecido"
Ogenki desu ka: "Como você está?"
Posljednji potvrdio i uredio Angelus - 30 prosinac 2007 02:34

Najnovije poruke


28 prosinac 2007 03:14

Broj poruka: 1227
Experts in Japanese, could you help us out here!?

Thanks in advance!!

CC: ミハイル en IanMegill2 Polar Bear

29 prosinac 2007 04:03

Broj poruka: 1671
Hi Angelus,

I suppose you could translate this as:
Hi, how are you?
"Very are you well?"
(This "very" is used as an informal greeting in Japanese)

But the Japanese original is strange, and almost certainly written by someone who was not Japanese:
1: "dessu" should be "desu"
2: there should be a comma or something between "domo" and "ogenki"
3: and -- not so imporant to us Westerners, but quite important here in Japan -- there is a confusion of politeness levels: the informal "domo" is together with the formal "ogenki desu ka." They would usually not be used together in the same sentence (In French it would be sort of like using "tu" and "vous" in the same sentence, to the same person...?)

30 prosinac 2007 02:35

Broj poruka: 1227
Thanks for your help Ian!