Vertimas - Japonų-Portugalų (Brazilija) - domo ogenki dessu kaEsamas statusas Vertimas
Šis tekstas išverstas į šias kalbas:  
Kategorija Pokalbiai - Meilė / Draugystė  Tai "bendrosios prasmės" vertimo prašymas. | | | Originalo kalba: Japonų
domo ogenki dessu ka |
| | VertimasPortugalų (Brazilija) Išvertė Lfernando | Kalba, į kurią verčiama: Portugalų (Brazilija)
Oi, como você está?
| | Domo: "Oi" ou "Agradecido" Ogenki desu ka: "Como você está?" |
Validated by Angelus - 30 gruodis 2007 02:34
Paskutinės žinutės | | | | | 28 gruodis 2007 03:14 | | | | | | 29 gruodis 2007 04:03 | | | Hi Angelus,
I suppose you could translate this as:
Hi, how are you?
"Very are you well?"
(This "very" is used as an informal greeting in Japanese)
But the Japanese original is strange, and almost certainly written by someone who was not Japanese:
1: "dessu" should be "desu"
2: there should be a comma or something between "domo" and "ogenki"
3: and -- not so imporant to us Westerners, but quite important here in Japan -- there is a confusion of politeness levels: the informal "domo" is together with the formal "ogenki desu ka." They would usually not be used together in the same sentence (In French it would be sort of like using "tu" and "vous" in the same sentence, to the same person...?) | | | 30 gruodis 2007 02:35 | | | Thanks for your help Ian!  |