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12Dịch - Turkish-English - omrum yettigi kadar seni severim

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Nhóm chuyên mục Sentence

omrum yettigi kadar seni severim
Submitted by Francky5591
Source language: Turkish

omrum yettigi kadar seni severim

I will love you...

Translated by sybel
Target language: English

I will love you till the end of my life
Validated by Francky5591 - 3 Tháng 6 2007 13:38

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1 Tháng 6 2007 19:08

Tổng số bài gửi: 49
Hi Sybel, I think is better I will love untill the end of my life ...what do you think about it?

1 Tháng 6 2007 23:24

Tổng số bài gửi: 12396
"until" or "till"? both could suit to the translation according to the meanings into French I got in my old dictionary :

-Until : préposition. Jusqu'à; avant; conj : Jusqu'à ce que; avant que;

-Till : préposition.Jusqu'à;
conj : Jusqu'à ce que (Not till : pas avant)

"I will love you until the end of my life"
or "I will love you till the end of my life"

3 Tháng 6 2007 13:15

Tổng số bài gửi: 2747

"Until" is never written with two 'l's.

"Chamber's 20th Century Dictionary", 1981 reprint and "Chamber's Combined Dictionary & Thesaurus" 1997 edition, both give the two forms, "till" and "until", as totally synonymous.

Convention has probably rendered "till" a less formal form of the word, but both are linguistically and gramatically correct.

For this particular text, if the final use is "formal", prefer the form "until" (for the conventional reasons above), if not, the form "till" is perfectly acceptable


3 Tháng 6 2007 13:38

Tổng số bài gửi: 12396
Thanks a lot, Tantine!