翻译 - 拉丁语-法语 - quis in foro ambulat? Lucuis in foro ambulat.当前状态 翻译
| quis in foro ambulat? Lucuis in foro ambulat. | | 源语言: 拉丁语
quis in foro ambulat? Lucuis in foro ambulat. | | |
| Qui se promène le long du Square. Lucius marche..... | | 目的语言: 法语
Qui se promène le long du Square. Lucius marche le long du Square. | | J'ai traduit le mot "walking" par "se promener" pour ne pas répéter 2 fois le mot "marcher." Bro fra Aneta : "Who is walking along the Square? Lucius is walking along the Square."
I typed "Square" in caps, because I think it is about the main square in Rome - Forum Romanum, which is usualy typed in caps." Thanks my dear.