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Translation - Italian-English - Caro eletto, Pargoletto, Quanto questa povertà,...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: ItalianEnglish

Category Poetry - Arts / Creation / Imagination

Caro eletto, Pargoletto, Quanto questa povertà,...
Submitted by Edelvang
Source language: Italian

Caro eletto, Pargoletto,
Quanto questa povertà,
Piu m'innamora
Giacché ti fece
Amor povero ancora
Remarks about the translation
I just can't get the "giacche ti fece" line together in this famous Italian carol. Any English dialect will do.

NOTE: Please do not paste in a translation from a website - do it yourself.

Dear chosen one, little boy, how sad this poverty,....

Translated by Willy Patijn
Target language: English

Dear chosen one, little boy,
How sad this poverty,
The more I love you,
Since it made you, my love,
poor again.
Remarks about the translation
A litteral translation of: "Giacché ti fece" :
Since it made you.
Validated by kafetzou - 17 November 2007 20:18

Last messages


13 November 2007 14:59

Number of messages: 91
Isn't it "giaché" = "because (of)"? Or maybe "giacche", the plural of "giacca", but I guess it's not the case.

17 November 2007 03:35

Number of messages: 7963
I changed "pore" to "poor".