Umseting - Hollendskt-Enskt - naam ... neemt u aan tot u wettige echtgenoot en...Núverðandi støða Umseting
Bólkur Røða - Kærleiki / Vinskapur | naam ... neemt u aan tot u wettige echtgenoot en... | | Uppruna mál: Hollendskt
naam ... neemt u aan tot u wettige echtgenoot en belooft u getrouw de plichten te vervullen die die wet aan de huwelijkse staat verbindt? | Viðmerking um umsetingina | |
| | | Ynskt mál: Enskt
name…do you take (name) to be your lawfully wedded husband and promise to fulfill faithfully the obligations which the law imposes on the state of marriage?
Góðkent av Lein - 3 Februar 2010 20:24
Síðstu boð | | | | | 7 Januar 2010 15:22 | |  LeinTal av boðum: 3389 | Hoi popwauw
The usual formula in English is
Do you take (name) to be your lawfully wedded husband
I am not sure about the best wording for the last part. I am pretty sure 'commits' cannot be used here though
How about 'obligations associated with marriage by law'?
If you agree, could you change this? If not, could you explain and / or give another suggestion?
Thank you! | | | 12 Januar 2010 16:56 | |  LeinTal av boðum: 3389 | |